Is there anyone know where is the Shi-Ba Jia of Taishan? Yes, it's located in Taipei county where stay between Sinchung and Wukuo. I want to share you some information about this place and hope you can live there if you plan to buy a house in near future. I will divide to three parts of this presentation to live conditions, transportation and the cost of buying house.
The first is live conditions. There are some schools where located there, and it includes two elementary schools, two secondary schools and on high school. The distance between these school approximate 500 meter. And there is a public market and two libraries as well. About the restaurants, you can find many kinds of restaurant such as Italian restaurant, noodle restaurant and so on.
The second is transportation. This place has one direct line from the public market to Taipei station, and it's only cost about thirty minutes even the hot time in morning or after work. And it’s without any charge another word is free. And then, the MRT system of the international airport line will be done in 2012, and it should be free for one month I guess. And it just spends three to five minutes from Shi-Ba Jia to the first expressway. It’s really convenience.
The third is the cost of buying house, do you know how much money if you want to buy a house in Sinchung and Taipei city? Yes, it has a sky price that we can touch hardly. And the price of Taishan is only one hundred and eighty thousands per Pin. Where you can buy the house with such more good conditions in Taipei County?
In conclusion, Shi Ba Jia is a good place to live or invest. The reasons as mentioned are that good live conditions, convenience transportation and reasonable price.
What are you waiting for?
Don’t waste your time anymore, just buy the house in Taishan and trust me that you will never regret your diction. Thank for your listening.